Gerard Rides to Raise Money for Disadvantaged Youth

After a grueling 1210km cycling, Gerard Tiffen finished the AMP Future2 Wheel Classic tired, sore but extremely proud.

Gerard (backed by his Tiffen & Co team) joined hundreds of fellow riders on grueling 9 day journey from Melbourne to Sydney where all the money raised went towards helping give disadvantaged youths a better life.

Here are some alarming statistics about how Gerard fared:

  • 9 long days averaging 134.4km every day
  • No less than 74 flats and 5 tyres
  • Climbed and descended an average of 1.25km each day; that was 11km in total
  • Jindabyne to Corryong was the biggest climb at almost 3kms with speeds reaching 70-85kph
  • Gerard’s body spent around 3,800 calories per day (that’s almost triple the recommended daily intake)
  • Gerard averaged 31km per hour per day. This resulting in cycling or Time-In-The-Saddle of about 42 hours with time on the road raising this to about 60 hours due to stops and punctures
  • Average temperature over the 9 days was 19.1 degrees. From Jindabyne to Corryong it was a low of 1 degree
  • Slowest day was Shepparton to Bendigo with an average speed of 27kph into a west-south-west wind gusting at up to 48kph
  • Gerard lost a total of 7kg and spent a day on a drip
  • Gerard’s team raised over $17,000 in total with the entire AMP Future2 Wheel Classic raising over $130,000!

Gerard would like to thank all his generous supporters who lifted his spirits and made him keep pedaling. An incredible achievement.


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