Preparing your home for an Autumn sale

The prevailing wisdom in the real estate industry is to sell your home in the springtime. However, if everyone sells their home during spring, this floods the market with supply and could potentially suppress demand. There are possible benefits to bucking the trend and selling your home in autumn instead.

Reasons to Sell during Autumn Months

To begin with, as we move into the mild months of March, April, and May the hottest days of summer have ended. Potential buyers will be more inclined to attend open houses if the weather’s cool and fresh. You can make the most of your outdoor spaces when the weather’s nice, by showcasing your garden and keeping your courtyard open.

The bright colours and appealing fragrance of the season could strike positive associations and appeal to a buyer’s senses.

Many buyers make New Year’s resolutions to purchase a home during the year. If you can show off your property during the first few months of the year, you’ll target more buyers. There are many potential buyers out looking for the perfect property to suit their needs during this time of year.

Although it may seem odd, one factor that could have an impact on the attendance at your open house is football season. The last thing you want is to try showing your home when the season’s in full swing. If you hold home viewings during the early part of the season in the autumn months, this could increase your buyer turnout. If an important match is on you could consider turning the TV on in the background. Be sure to keep the volume low, however, so that you don’t disturb other buyers.

Tips for Landing an Autumn Sale

Once you’ve made the decision that an autumn sale is right for you, you’ll want to keep the following factors in mind.

  • In April, you’ll have to compete with Anzac Day and the school holidays. These could be distractions for potential buyers, who may have planned to go on holiday. By May, days are already getting shorter and the weather will be cooling down. This is particularly true in the southern states.
  • Make sure that your garden is looking its best, with plants that flower in autumn. This will ensure that your garden looks delightful during open inspections. Rake leaves to keep a clean and tidy appearance, and buy mature plants rather than seedlings if necessary.
  • Pay attention to daylight savings if you live in a part of the country that’s affected by it. This changes over on the first Sunday of April and could lead to some confusion regarding the time of your open inspection.

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