Outdoor dress up

Who doesn’t love Spring? The birds are chirping, the grass is growing and the buds are blooming, it is that wonderful time of year where we stop hibernating and head outdoors. Soaking up the warm weather and entertaining family and friends outside is a quintessential Australian thing to do, so we have come up with our top styling tips for making your outdoor spaces relaxing and enjoyable.

Styling doesn’t have to be expensive

You don’t need to break the bank to lift the look of a space. With modest additions, you can bring comfort and colour to even the smallest of spaces.

Places like Kmart, Ikea and dollar shops are making a resurgence in the market for offering affordable pieces for a fraction of the price.

Don’t be afraid to use colour

Textiles and small pieces of furniture are fantastic for adding a pop of colour and warmth.
Outdoor spaces also allow you to have a bit more fun, because you don’t have to worry about clashing with existing wall colours or fixtures and fittings.

Remember: mixing patterns is on trend, but work with a similar colour palette to ensure your look doesn’t become too busy.

Image Source: Pinterest

Light it up!

When the sun sets, solar powered lanterns, fairy lights or candles will set the mood for the evening and will allow you to still enjoy your outdoor space. While the season is still transitioning and the temperature is still a little bit on the cold side, consider a fire pit or heater or sometimes it worth having a few throws handy to keep toasty.

Image Source: Pinterest


Go green

If you have a small space, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the benefits of a beautiful garden, you just have to get creative! Ladder displays, wall pots and terrariums are simple solutions to turn your space into a green oasis.

Vertical garden – hanging pots are ideal for people with a lack of space and create a beautiful display. You can mix it up with a combination of flowers and herbs; the different colours and textures will add another dimension to your outdoor space.

Ladder display – ladders don’t take up much space but add a multi-dimensional feel to your space. Choose pots in a mixture of shapes and sizes, but stick to one or two colours to keep the look harmonious.

Terrariums – if you’re not a green thumb at all, then a terrarium is perfect for you! Cacti and succulents require very little maintenance and can be paired with sand, pebbles or soil.

Image Source: Pinterest



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