Download the Free Tiffen & Co App Today!
We are very pleased to announce our latest innovation, the Tiffen & Co app!
The Mortgage Helper Kit app is available to download for free from the iTunes store for iPhones and from Google Play for android and features loan calculators, broker profiles and news delivered straight to your smart phone.
This app is the ideal modern tool for first home buyers, people thinking about refinancing their loan or aspiring astute property investors.
With 91% of people have their phone within reach 24/7 and people spending 30% more time on their mobile apps than the web, the choice to launch an app was an easy one for Managing Director Gerard Tiffen.
Gerard Tiffen feels the app will make it easier for technology savvy Canberrans to find out critical information about how much money they can borrow, rate changes, calculate repayments and stay in contact with their mortgage broker.
“Launching this app really demonstrates how innovative we are as a business and offers added value to our clients. It’s just one of the many ways that we ensure we stay ahead of our competitors and gives something extra to our clients to make their lives a little easier,” said Tiffen.
The app will also be available for iPad in the coming weeks.
Click here to take you directly to our app in the iTunes store and here to take you directly to our app in Google Play for android devices.