Christmas shut down period

Once the calendar ticks over to December, the days start flying by and our calendars fill up with end-of-year catch ups and events, Christmas shopping and holiday preparations, it really is a wonderful time of year.

This year was the year of both celebration and change – we’ve had five of our team members welcome beautiful babies into the world, celebrated the 15 year anniversaries of Peter Williams, Patrick Bouquiaux and Stephanie Duncan, we’ve welcomed new team members and navigated the changes in the lending environment due to the Royal Commission’s findings. In what has been a jammed packed year, we’ve thoroughly enjoyed meeting new clients and catching up with our existing ones.

Our office will be closing on midday Friday 21st December 2018 and reopening on Monday 7th January 2019 at 8:30am. On behalf of all the Tiffen & Co staff, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our clients for your ongoing support and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Gerard Tiffen
Managing Director


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