10 things to do before moving into your new home

Moving into a new home is something that we will all do in our lives. Getting caught up in the packing and moving process, often makes us forget about the items that really should have been done weeks prior. We’ve put together a handy list of things you need to do before moving.

1. Connect your internet

Internet service providers are usually booked out 2-3 weeks in advance. Schedule in a time when you know you will be in your new home. It isn’t worth killing your phone data plan to compensate for not having working internet, so save yourself the stress and book in early.

2. Connect your energy

You need to disconnect the energy in the previous tenants’ name and reconnect it in your own name. It is a very simple process, you just call your energy provider, give them your new address, your preferred connection dates, contact numbers and identification and concession details if applicable. It is also worth letting your provider know your final date in your old premises, so that they can do a final meter reading. This will ensure that you won’t be charged for energy usage after you have moved out.

3. Have a plan for children & pets

Make sure you’ve thought about what young children and pets will do on the day. It can be handy to ask a friend or family member to help out so you can focus on organising the move.

4. Change your address

It’s best to do this as early possible. Every time you receive a new piece of mail in your letterbox, call or email the company or government body and update your new address. Don’t forget to…

  • update magazine and/or newspaper subscriptions
  • contact your car insurance and registration provider to change your address
  • update your details on the electoral roll
  • let your bank know you’ve moved
  • update your details with all superannuation funds

It may be worth either signing up for a short-term post office box or putting on a mail re-direct. These two options allow you to ensure that you are receiving all important mail correspondence.

5. Pack an un-packing box

Many people may not have heard of this one but it will be a serious life-saver! One of the first things you need to pack when moving into a new home is an unpacking box. This box should contain allen keys, screwdrivers, drills, labelled ziplock bags with screws from furniture you dismantled in the move, scissors, masking tape, dust cloths and glue. Having these items all in the same box will save you time and your sanity when setting up your new home.

6. Update your home & contents insurance

When you move house it’s important to contact your insurance provider to make sure you’re covered for the duration of the move. Your current home insurance policy should cease the day after you’ve moved out and your next insurance policy should start the day before you move.

7. Have the new home professionally cleaned

Book in a professional cleaner prior to moving in. Whilst most people will clean the property themselves, professional cleaners have specialist equipment and experience in final house cleans. Have them steam the carpets and do a thorough job on the bathrooms and kitchen.

8. Replace your locks

Do this as soon as you have access to your new house. You never know who has keys to your new home and how many have been handed out by the former owners. Call a reputable locksmith and have all locks changed, including ones on windows. Have a fresh set of keys cut for each member of the household and have a set cut for family members or friends that live nearby.

9. Pack a first night box

Just as important as the un-packing box, the first night box is essential to a successful move. It should contain a change of clothing, basic toiletries, toilet paper, pyjamas, towels, bed linen and any other essentials you may require like tea bags or coffee. It makes such a big difference to the comfort of your first night in your new home so you aren’t frantically searching through boxes at midnight trying to find your toothbrush.

10. Plan your furniture positioning

Complete a floor plan of your new home for furniture placement and measure the spaces to ensure your furniture will fit, particularly the fridge. When the removalists move your furniture into your new home, you will be able to direct them to place it in the correct areas and save you from injuring yourself by having to move the furniture again.

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